We make

Flowers and florist service
No wedding would be the same without flowers. Large bouquet for a bride, smaller bouquet for mothers, flower bracelets and hair wreaths for bridesmaids, lapel corsage for the groom, best man and father, flower hair clips, flower garlands, guest ties, wedding cake decorated with flowers, dried flower petals in cones, flowers in vases on the wedding table and sweet bar, floral centerpieces or backdrops?
All this has its place at weddings. And it's up to you how much you want to decorate your wedding.

Decorations service
Decoration of the ceremony place, wedding table, wedding party place. Sometimes it's several places, other times it's all in one place. But it's always nice to coordinate the whole wedding concept.
Would you like, for example, outdoor lights at your wedding and you don't have them?
You don't have to purchase them expensively, we are happy to offer any of our decorations in our rental service, just as we have no problem decorating the wedding with the decorations you have prepared. Everything is mainly about agreement and we rely on that!

Rental of decorations
Don't worry, you don't have to make all the decorations yourself. We will be happy to lend you anything from our stock, bring it to the place, install it and come to pack it up the day after the wedding. In short, so that you can fully enjoy your day and not have to think about operational matters.

Wedding coordination
Are you afraid that your wedding day will be one big chaos? We can make sure that your wedding day goes smoothly and at the same time that its organization is not forced in any way and annoying for your guests. We will also equip you with all the necessary advice to make the most of your day;)
In cooperation with coffee place Piknik box in Brno we also offer BACHELOR PARTIES.